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为什么SCTE 35在SSAI中很重要?

Learn more about server-side ad insertion at 流媒体的下一个事件.

Watch the complete presentation at 流媒体 East, 奥特202. The State of Server-Side Ad Insertion,在… 流媒体 Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Nadine Krefetz: 什么是SCTE?

杰森·Justman: 是的,绝对.

Nadine Krefetz: 为什么这很重要?

杰森·Justman: 正确的, so, when I look at how we support ad technology across digital, 你知道, we started on this project about four-five years ago, the foundations for what was supported in the ecosystem for SSAI, 我们仍然很, 非常新. 和, 什么是重要的发现, is, especially from an engineering perspective is, 总有煮沸海洋的时候, 和 then there's a time to st和 on the shoulders of giants, 和, one of the pieces I looked at was, well how does the cable industry do this? 好吧.

和, 在做了一些调查之后, 本质上, there is an open technology st和ard by the Society of Cable Television Engineers, 称为SCTE 35, 现在, 这里有很多神秘主义, 它周围有一个黑盒子, because it is a technical st和ard, 和 there is a recommendation practice, but the idea is that the cable industry, 可能每天都有, traffics maybe like a billion dollars a day off of one bit in this specification. 和, 这允许, 在有线MSO生态系统中, the ability to use your simple definition to insert a pre-emptible advertisement in an avail, so that means from the national syndicated feed, 到一个地区, 给当地人, 到一个区域, 直到可寻址级别. But it's all triggered off of this one bit called "Out of Network."

和 what that means is when I am playing out content from the cloud or live programming from an NFL football game, the idea is that that out-of-network bit is set to zero. 和 that means that you're taking the network programming the distributor programming for your audience. As soon as that bit turns to one, then it opens up the opportunity for a downstream splice to a code. 和 that downstream in the ecosystem, regardless of anything else that happens, the whole foundation is built off of this one bit in this binary payload.

Now for most software engineers, that's easy to do, right? They underst和 how to build those, but for most ad operations specialists, 大多数集成专家, that's way too hard to be able to create that. So the challenge comes in is over the past couple of years, a number of products in market have added support for this because what we're starting to see is the unification between MSO integration 和 broadcast 和 digital use cases for advertising. 他们在做SCTE插入? 是的, we're starting to move that way in the industry for ad decisioning 和 server-side ad insertion because the content that usually is cross-simulcast has those baked in. 和 there's no point reinventing the wheel if someone has already done it for you from the distributor perspective. No.

盖尔·Magnusson: 正确的, everything we get has that. 好吧. 为什么这很重要 again, just in plain English? 这很重要? Because someone else has figured out how to make billions of dollars on using this, 如果我们不这么做, 那我们就错过了. 它就在那里. Or, you have the ability to replace an ad, right? 它就在那儿, that's the fundamental thing is a little flag comes by 和 says you can start here you have X number of seconds 和 then the next number of seconds, 如果一切都对齐, a little flag comes back 和 says you're out, 回到内容上来. 它更短, 更简单的, 它出现了, 你有时间, 你可以输入你的流, 钻头下降了, it's gotta go back to the underlying stream from the content owner. From our perspective, that's how we look at it.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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